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 Rick Amor [peintre]

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2 participants
Tête de Peluche

Messages : 31548
Inscription le : 12/05/2007
Age : 43
Localisation : Tours

Rick Amor [peintre] Empty
MessageSujet: Rick Amor [peintre]   Rick Amor [peintre] EmptyVen 21 Mar 2014 - 7:22

Rick Amor [peintre] Rickam10
Self Portrait with a Postcard of Greco Roman Bust

Rick Amor

Citation :
Rick Amor (born 3 March 1948) is an Australian artist and figurative painter. He was an Official War Artist.

In 1999 he was one of the first Australian artists to be appointed as the Official War Artist to East Timor by the Australian War Memorial, and the first since the end of the Vietnam War.

His work borrows heavily from the pictorial inheritance of Symbolism and Surrealism. There is always a poetic mystery and sense of menace, even in apparently journalistic work, such as the East Timor paintings. His major themes are the solitary watcher, figures at twilight, the vast emptiness of urban spaces and quiet mysterious interiors. His works resonate with powerful symbolism, and his landscapes in particular are full of disquieting atmosphere, with objects bathed in half light and shadows.

A Sebastian Smee, a reviewer of Amor's 2008 retrospective exhibition at Heide Museum of Modern Art, concluded that he was

“convinced not only of Amor's singularity in contemporary Australian art -- there is really nobody like him -- but of his importance. His commitment is unmistakable, his intelligence acute, and his best images impossible to forget.”

Rick Amor [peintre] R1105710
East Timor

Rick Amor [peintre] 2_199610
Outlying districts, 1991

Rick Amor [peintre] 02806610
Silent River, 1999

... je laisse kenavo (et d'autres ?) compléter. c'est la très bonne surprise cette découverte ce matin. et merci encore à (et plein d'autres belles choses encore sur ce foutu blog !)
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Rick Amor [peintre] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rick Amor [peintre]   Rick Amor [peintre] EmptyVen 21 Mar 2014 - 8:46

animal a écrit:
... je laisse kenavo (et d'autres ?) compléter
papperlapapp... il est trop bon pour ne pas avoir son propre fil Very Happy

Rick Amor [peintre] A1954
Astor Place, Subway, 1996

Rick Amor [peintre] A1957
Study for “The Secret City”, 1993-2001

Rick Amor [peintre] A1956
Afternoon by the Sea, 2005
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Tête de Peluche

Messages : 31548
Inscription le : 12/05/2007
Age : 43
Localisation : Tours

Rick Amor [peintre] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rick Amor [peintre]   Rick Amor [peintre] EmptyMar 1 Avr 2014 - 7:18

je n'avais pas pris le temps de dire merci.  cat 

Rick Amor [peintre] Ithaca10
Ithaca, 2011
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Rick Amor [peintre] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rick Amor [peintre]   Rick Amor [peintre] EmptyMar 1 Avr 2014 - 11:31

même pas besoin Wink

Rick Amor [peintre] A2013
Victorian House, 1999
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Rick Amor [peintre] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rick Amor [peintre]   Rick Amor [peintre] EmptyMer 8 Juin 2016 - 18:59

toujours en plein LC des îles... pas seulement avec des livres Wink

Rick Amor [peintre] A_113

The Island
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Rick Amor [peintre] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rick Amor [peintre]   Rick Amor [peintre] Empty

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Rick Amor [peintre]
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