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 Paysages peints - regards contemporains

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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptySam 5 Oct 2013 - 10:25

Lisa Breslow (née 1957)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa16
West Village, Greenwich Street, 2012

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa14
Central Park Lake 2, 2012

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa15
Central Park Lake 3, 2012

Citation :
New York City is a constant source of inspiration for painter Lisa Breslow. The artist, who was raised on Long Island and studied at the Art Students League, creates impressionistic oil paintings of New York City streets, seeking out places and scenes that call to mind a psychological response. The images—which depict locations like Central Park through its changing seasons—blend realism and abstraction, with Breslow frequently turning the canvas as she works to gain new perspectives on the composition. When it comes to balancing subject and abstraction, Breslow says, “it is equally about paring the subject down to its visual essence, a visceral, intuitive process of working and reworking the surface and losing oneself in the paint.”
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyDim 6 Oct 2013 - 8:31

Peter van Dyck (né 1978)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa50
Corner of Ripka and Wilde Streets, 2010

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa51
Parking Lot, 2010

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa52
Rooftop Looking North, 2010
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyLun 7 Oct 2013 - 8:33

Elizabeth O'Reilly (née 1957)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa56
Grain Terminal Reflected, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa58
Third Street with Circle, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa57
Barges and Tanks, 2011
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyMar 8 Oct 2013 - 8:14

David Kapp (né 1953)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa67
Square Crowd, 2010

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa68
Bowery North, 2009-2010

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa69
Walker, 2010

Citation :
Kapp invites the viewer to the tops of buildings, to sit in taxi cab-spattered traffic, and to experience the frenzy of the city. His expressionistic take on the urban landscape captures the vitality of each chosen locale. The striking use of color with light and shadow both highlights and obscures the geometry of megalithic skyscrapers, building facades, and sidewalks as pedestrians rush by. Whether gazing down on a solitary figure on a park bench or on a crowd stretching as far as the eye can see, we experience the heartbeat of the city.

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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyMer 9 Oct 2013 - 7:51

Diana Horowitz (née 1958)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa80
Woolworth Building, Summer Day, 2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa81
Pylons and Bayonne, 2009

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa82
World Trade Center Reflecting Pools and Harbor, 2010
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyJeu 10 Oct 2013 - 7:33

Gregory Gandy (né 1980)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A38
Sunrise over the Pier, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A37
Above Alcatraz, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A39
Looking Down Kearny Street at Night, 2011
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Messages : 22891
Inscription le : 02/02/2007
Age : 44
Localisation : Un peu plus loin.

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyJeu 10 Oct 2013 - 10:23

WaOuh !
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyJeu 10 Oct 2013 - 10:33

Queenie a écrit:
WaOuh !
même réaction de ma part... et faut visiter son site, il y a tout plein d'autres à découvrir Wink
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyVen 11 Oct 2013 - 8:45

Yvonne Jacquette (née 1934)

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A46
Two Bridges, 2007-08

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A47
Times Square Triptych II, 1986-87
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptySam 12 Oct 2013 - 8:37

Derek Buckner (né 1970)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A57
Domino Sugar Factory, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A56
Gowanus Factories, 2011

Citation :
In Derek Buckner's most recent series of paintings, the vibrant palate and intensity of light-- now, more than ever-- lend his subject matter an almost reverential weight. Buildings and factories appear not only as elements of industrial Brooklyn but also as blocks of pure color. The artist, who works in the Gowanus area of Brooklyn, says, " For me, painting is not about inventing something new but instead it's the act of seeing and considering my world from new perspectives. A painting, unlike a photograph, does not represent a moment in time but is itself an collection of memories and decisions - an artifact of an experience. It is the desire to translate my experience of seeing through paint which compels me to put my brush to canvas. In order for me to paint I need to be emotionally excited by a subject, whether it be the afternoon sun hitting a factory wall, clouds gathering on the horizon or the delicate shifts of shadow in the folds of a white curtain. My goal is not to reproduce what I see but to provoke that same excitement in the viewer as well."
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyDim 13 Oct 2013 - 7:26

Kate Protage (née 1968)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Aa12
Closer to Home, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A62
Exit Ahead, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A63

Citation :
I have a love/hate relationship with the cities in which I’ve lived. Depending on the time of day, there are two worlds that exist in the same physical space: streets that appear gritty, dirty and depressing by day turn into an environment infused with a strange kind of lush, dark beauty and romance at night. These are the moments that remind me to take a breath, look closer, and recognize that there is still beauty in the world despite all of the chaos that surrounds us. Painting these moments is, in a strange way, my minor act of rebellion.

While my work is rooted in the real, it’s the junction between sensation and fact that interests me. My paintings and drawings are meant to exist in that grey area between representation and abstraction, where light and solid form are given equal consideration and are almost interchangeable. The streets, the buildings, the sky, the cars – they’re almost incidental as recognizable objects. It’s the detail of an individual shape, an expressive brush stroke, and the way that everything coalesces into a series of value changes and textural rhythms that excites me. The moments may pass, but the feelings remain.
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyLun 14 Oct 2013 - 8:09

Patricia Chidlaw (née 1951)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A73
Power House, 2005

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A72
Sixth Street Viaduct, 2011

tout comme Richard Estes, j'adore son travail depuis des années...

son 'artist statement' de son site:

Citation :
When asked what kind of paintings I make, I usually call my work "Urban Landscapes" to distinguish them as paintings about areas of human habitation rather than landscapes that reference the natural world. But my subjects are certainly not all urban – some are suburban, some small towns and some are ruins, such as a faded sign and abandoned business bleaching in the desert sun as once populated areas return to their former empty silence. While I often treat older architectural forms, I want to make it clear these are not paintings about nostalgia – all are contemporary scenes, recently observed. Currently I've painted a number of pictures which seem neither urban nor rural but are set in that particular non-space that now covers so much of the landscape – the limbo of freeway exits and on-ramps and their attendant fast-food franchises.

What I feel these mostly unpopulated places I choose to paint have in common is a potency, some kind of emotional charge that enables them to function as settings for a subjective fictional narrative. As the artist I choose and edit the scenes, setting the stage for viewers to bring their imaginations and private meanings to these places made special by my selection and attention
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyMar 15 Oct 2013 - 7:17

Sarah McKenzie (née 1971)

son site

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A82
Scrim, 2011

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A83
Patriot, 2010

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 A84
Exterior (Plastic Trees), 2009
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Zen Littéraire

Messages : 63288
Inscription le : 08/11/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyMar 15 Oct 2013 - 7:19

Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 Fin10
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Messages : 22891
Inscription le : 02/02/2007
Age : 44
Localisation : Un peu plus loin.

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MessageSujet: Re: Paysages peints - regards contemporains   Paysages peints - regards contemporains - Page 5 EmptyMar 15 Oct 2013 - 12:38

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